
Sep 21 2021

Repair and Reparation, Brazilian realities, Public Seminar

14:00 (UK) 10:00 (BR) 18:30 (IN)

The practices of repair in Brazil and their implications on the environment, art, economy and society

The seminar aims to expand the understanding of repair practices in Brazil and their implications in art, environment, economy and society, articulating such practices in light of the environmental emergency and the need to re-found the way humanity relates to objects and materials. The guests’ distinct experiences present an overview of repairs and reparations in the country from the perspective of diversity, in order to reimagine the idea of “repair” in a collective way, aiming at socioeconomic and environmental regeneration.

Speakers and Moderator

Izabella Teixeira is a specialist in Strategic Environmental Assessment, Environmental Management, Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Licensing. She was Brazil´s Minister of the Environment (2010 – 2016). From 2008 to 2010, she was the Deputy Minister of the Environment. As a career public servant, Mrs. Teixeira holds a position at the Brazilian Institute for the Environment and Natural Resources (IBAMA), since 1984. Today she works as private consultant in environmental and climate change issues.

Ricardo Abramovay is a Senior Professor at the Institute of Energy and Environment at the University of São Paulo (USP). He made his academic career at the Faculty of Economics, Administration and Accounting at USP, graduating in Philosophy by Paris Nanterre, he also has a master’s degree in Political Science (USP) and a doctorate in Social Sciences (Unicamp). Abramovay is the author and co-author of thirteen books, including Paradigmas do capitalismo agrário em questão (Edusp, 2007) Muito além da economia verde (Planeta Sustentável, 2012), translated into Spanish and English. His most recent research focuses on the interface between sustainable development and the digital revolution.

Pedro Belasco is a bachelor in Social Sciences by the University of São Paulo – USP and Specialized in Design for Social Development IDIN/D-Lab/MIT/UFPA. He conceived and acted in projects related to the themes of social participation and dissemination of digital culture such as “Repair Cafes”, developing communication and knowledge management projects using the web as a platform and applying accessibility standards. Since 2016, he has been a member of the IDIN International Development Innovation Network.

Nêgo Bispo (Antônio Bispo dos Santos) is a farmer, a political activist and well known advocate of the quilombola social movement and in the movements for land. He currently works in the State Coordination of Quilombola Communities in Piauí (CECOQ/PI) and in the National Coordination of Articulation of Black Rural Quilombola Communities (CONAQ) in Brazil. 

Cinthia Mendonça is an artist and researcher, and has a master’s degree in Visual Arts from the School of Fine Arts at UFRJ and a PhD in Contemporary Artistic Practices from UERJ. She is the director of Silo, an art and technology educational space based in the rural area of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), and an observer of technical objects, having an interest in the dialogue between art and science. Her work is related to concepts such as animism and resilience.

Fred Paulino (moderator) is a Brazilian artist, designer, researcher and curator. He holds a bachelor in Computer Science from UFMG (Federal University of Minas Gerais) and postgraduate studies in Contemporary Art at UEMG (State University of Minas Gerais / Guignard School). He is the catalyst of the referential Gambiologia project, which since 2008 investigates art and technology in dialogue with education and popular culture, especially around the themes of improvisation and reuse. His works have been shown in many countries such as USA, Austria, Colombia, Cuba, Spain, South Africa and Japan. He is the editor-in-chief of Facta Magazine and curated three editions of “Gambiologos” exhibitions. He has been the coordinator of independent education programs such as Favela Hacklab. Fred is the coordinator of “Tales of Care and Repair” in Brazil.

Registration Details

This is a public seminar and will be held in PT/EN, free registration via Eventbrite.


10:00 – Opening – Fred Paulino

10:10 – Izabella Teixeira

10:20 – Ricardo Abramovay

10:30 – Pedro Belasco

10:40 – Nêgo Bispo

10:50 – Cinthia Mendonça

11:00 – Roundtable

11:50 – Closing

Complete session with English translation