
Nov 01 2021

Repairing is Caring, Community Workshop, The Pickle Factory, Bristol

The Pickle Factory, 13 All Hallows Rd, Bristol BS5 0HH
09:30 (UK) 06:30 (BR) 15:00 (IN)

What does repair mean to you? If it’s broken do you throw it away or fix it? Do you fix things for a living?

Come and share your stories of repair, from professional to DIY and failed attempts.

What does it mean to foster a repair-centred neighbourhood? What would we need? What would it mean in terms of building small local economies?Does it mean accessibility to trusted repair professionals? Or easy access to spare parts or community workshops, where you can make the bits and bobs that you need?


9.30 – 10.00: Welcome and Introductions

10.00 – 10.30: What is the project – Tales of Care and Repair, aims and overview

10.30 – 11.00: Group work, contributing your stories to the Tales of Care and Repair website

11.00 – 11.45: Discussion – how do we establish a neighbourhood that supports repair?

11.45 – 12.00: Close and what next?

In preparation for this workshop please bring three photographs with you. They can be taken on your phone camera or another device but should represent an object that you have repaired either by paying for it (professional repair); doing it yourself (self/DIY repair) or even an object you could not repair (failed to repair). If you cannot take a picture of the object/s then please bring it to the workshop and we will capture it for you.